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Gastric Support


HCL plus ACV & Herbs

Give your stomach all the help your body needs and deserves.

Betaine HCL plus Apple Cider Vinegar & Herbs.

Nutritional Information

Betaine HCl: 

Betaine HCl, the acidic form of betaine, a natural substance found in foods such as beets and spinach, has been used for years to support digestion and absorption due to its ability to increase stomach acidity. Betaine HCl promotes additional hydrochloric acid production in the stomach, assists with the absorption of B12, calcium, iron and proteins, as well as prevents fungi and pathological bacteria colonization and candida (yeast overgrowth). Betaine also supports cell health by acting as a methyl donor, which in turn supports healthy methionine, homocysteine and hepatic fat metabolism. Betaine also supports the integrity of cells and proteins during fluctuations in hydration, salinity and temperature.


Vitamin B3, Niacin:

Niacin aids in the conversion of food into energy the body can use, as well as supports proper enzyme functioning and cellular signaling, and metabolism. The body uses niacin in the process of releasing energy from carbohydrates as well as to form fat from carbohydrates and to process alcohol. Niacin also has a role in regulating cholesterol Biochemical/physiological functions of Niacin include the following; electron (hydrogen) transfer reactions; redox roles: Oxidative reactions (NAD to NADH) which is integral to more than 400 enzymes that require NAD to catalyze reactions in the body; glycolysis; TCA cycle;  fatty acid oxidation;  ethanol oxidation; reductive biosynthesis (NADP); fatty acids cholesterol; steroid hormones;  DNA precursors and folate enzymes.


Vitamin B6, Pyridoxine:

Vitamin B6 supports proper protein synthesis, critical for the digestion of carbohydrates, fat and alcohol. It also reduces inflammation by lowering homocysteine levels. Vitamin B6 has a significant role in processing amino acids and hormones from proteins; including serotonin, melatonin and dopamine. In fact over 100 enzymes use B6 coenzymes, including; transaminases, non-essential amino acid synthesis. As well as for Energy and Glucose production,  neurotransmitter synthesis and biosynthesis of other vitamins integral to gut health. B6 is also a critical cofactor for various biochemical reactions that regulate cellular metabolism. Further health implications of B6 include pathogen resistance, abiotic stress tolerance.


Apple Cider Vinegar: 

This natural, yet effective ingredient stimulates the production of Hydrochloric acid in the stomach, helping to support healthy microflora in the GI tract. It also enhances nutrient absorption, thereby reducing hunger while helping  to manage blood sugar. Furthermore, apple cider vinegar has stimulating and tonic effects with regards to digestion and detox. The fermented apples in Apple Cider Vinegar induce a cascade of physiological functions in the body to occur including improvement in bowel movement, and absorbing and ridding the body of acquired toxins. 


Dandelion Root:

Dandelion root helps in stimulating digestion by supporting proper digestive enzymatic activity. It supports the removal of toxins from the body, thereby promoting healthy liver and gallbladder functioning. This root also serves as a prebiotic; promoting healthy GI functioning and reducing GI upset. Comprises of B vitamins, Vitamins A and C, further aiding in antioxidant and GI support as well as with the minerals;  Iron, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc. This natural root is known as a blood “tonic” as it stimulates the liver and cleanses the blood and kidneys, further supporting liver and digestive health.  It has an important role in not only detoxification but nutrition in helping to rid the body of harmful substances (making it more efficient in absorbing nutrients). With its high antioxidant properties, dandelion root can help to prevent oxidative cell damage from occurring which can impede upon the body tissues, causing premature aging to occur as well as leading to disease like cancer.


Goldenseal Root:

Goldenseal root improves digestion by stimulating pre-digestive saliva, reducing GI tract inflammation as well as unhealthy bacteria population in the intestines. All of which help to  increase and optimize nutrient absorption in the body. Goldenseal root (contains natural substance Berberine) has also has been studied for its effects with regards to heartburn, diarrhea and infections. With its strong antibacterial qualities, goldenseal root has also been effective against the bacterium E coli further helping to reduce digestion issues and urinary tract infections.


Ginger Rhizome: 

Ginger rhizome stimulates digestive action, helping to improve digestive issues and discomfort. Strong anti-inflammatory effects, helps to improve micronutrient absorption as well as protects the GI, liver and kidneys. It has also been noted to be preventative for ulcerative colitis as well as suppressing nausea. The health benefits of ginger stem from its antioxidant properties with its compounds of gingerol, shogaol, paradol and zingerone.


Lemon Peel:  

Lemon peel extract has antimicrobial and antiviral properties. It has been indicated to reduce inflammatory cytokines, ROS as well as xanthine oxidase levels with its antioxidant properties helping to strengthen immune health and stimulate digestion.  Lemon peel also has gas-relieving properties.


Genetian Root: 

Genetian root helps to heal and protect the liver, supports kidney functioning and improve circulation. This bitter plant has been used for centuries as a digestive aid. It has antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, and  anti-angiogenic properties. This root helps in alleviating GI issues; such as  diarrhea, heartburn, stomach aches as well as nausea. Supports kidney function. Improves circulation. Helps combat fatigue. Gentian root and other highly bitter plants have been used for centuries as digestive aids, and it is still used to treat poor appetite as well as indigestion. 


Peppermint Leaf:

Peppermint reduces symptoms associated with IBS, Heartburn and Indigestion. With its antibacterial, anti-fungal and antioxidant properties it inhibits hyper-contractility of intestinal smooth muscle as well as intestinal colic. Peppermint helps treat GI issues (nausea, indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea). It stimulates digestion with its expectorant, tonic and antiseptic properties. Peppermint also helps in fever reduction with its cooling properties; as well as with alleviating muscle and mental fatigue. 


Chamomile Flowers: 

Often found in tea, this flower has been suggested to reduce anxiety, promote digestion and reduce symptoms associated with IBS, as well as diarrhea, colic, and depression. The active ingredients in chamomile inhibit bad bacteria and reduce free radical activity. Chamomile has also been shown to be effective in relieving inflamed or irritated mucous membranes of the digestive tract. With its antispasmodic properties, Chamomile helps to soothe and relax muscles (intestines and stomach) further aiding in digestive health. 


Fennel Seed: 

Fennel seed has been noted to reduce a number of GI issues; bloating, constipation, intestinal gas, indigestion, colitis, and colic. Improvement in IBS symptoms and abdominal discomfort as it aides in digestion.  Strong antioxidant, antimicrobial, as well as liver protecting properties.


Blessed Thistle Ariel Parts: 

Blessed Thistle Ariel supports proper digestive, liver and gallbladder functioning as it stimulates production of gastric juices, thereby supporting digestive enzymatic activity. Used for loss of appetite, indigestion, as well as to treat bacterial infections. A component of Blessed Thistle are tannins which have been implicated to help in reducing inflammation as well as aiding in further GI health.  


Burdock Root: 

Burdock has been shown to improve and stimulate digestion, providing prebiotic support to the body. It also provides blood sugar management having implications for diabetic health. This root also has tonic and diuretic properties; helping to purify and detoxify the blood. 


Cayenne Pepper Fruit: 

Cayenne Pepper Fruit supports healthy digestion as it aids in sufficient production of saliva to  stimulate gastric juices. Capsaicin in cayenne peppers has metabolism- boosting properties. It increases the amount of heat the body produces via the process of thermogenesis causing an increase in metabolism. It also relieves intestinal gas and supports healthy detoxification with its naturally containing vitamins; A, B6, C, E, K and minerals; Manganese and flavonoids. Furthermore it has been shown to improve circulation and improve blood clotting.